3 Indians arrested for taking private tuitions in Saudi Arabia
3 Indians arrested for taking private tuitions in Saudi Arabia
Private tuition is an illegal and punishable offence in Saudi Arabia.

Riyadh: Three Indian teachers in Saudi Arabia have been arrested in Riyadh for giving private tuitions, an illegal and punishable offence in the kingdom.

Riyadh Police raided the house of three Indian teachers, employed with the International Indian School here, and found them with students gathered for private tuitions, Arab News reported on Tuesday.

Mehboob Pasha from Karnataka, Mohammad Rifai from Tamil Nadu and Tauheed Ahmad Siddiquee from Uttar Pradesh were taken to the Tarheel (deportation centre) jail, it said.

Private tuition is an illegal and punishable offence in Saudi Arabia.

The school management has called for an urgent meeting over the incident. The school's public relations officer has been asked to bail out the teachers from custody, the paper quoted sources as saying.

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