Weight Loss After Diwali: 5 Simple Ways to Get Back in Shape
Weight Loss After Diwali: 5 Simple Ways to Get Back in Shape
Instead of adopting an extreme method to shed the kilos, you may want to take smaller, healthier and more powerful steps to detox your body properly. The following are the five weight loss tips you need after the festive season.

The major Hindu festive season in India starts with Navratri-Dussehra and ends with Diwali and Bhai Dooj. During this almost two-month-long season, celebration and indulgence become second nature. Sweets, desserts, rich curries and deep-fried food are not just cooked but shared with every loved one. And while this spells a good time for your soul and spirit, it does not bode well for your waistline, weight and overall health.

This is precisely the reason why most people look for ways to shed the holiday weight soon after Diwali is over. If you are looking to do the same right now, then the first thing your need to know is that adopting extreme methods is not going to help you lose weight the healthy way. If you choose starvation or extreme dieting then the likelihood of losing muscle mass along with fat becomes very high, and so does the risk of health issues like anemia, malnutrition and weakness.

Instead of adopting an extreme method to shed the kilos, you may want to take smaller, healthier and more powerful steps to detox your body properly. This will neither be as fast nor as harmful as the extreme methods, but you will lose weight and become more active at the same time. The following are the five weight loss tips you need after the festive season.

1. Go sugar-free

One of the key foods that people indulge in too much during the festive season is sugar. From petite Indian sweets and desserts to chocolates, cookies and cakes, this season offers up a lot of sugar and most people consume it in excess. Excess sugar consumption is one of the most important obesogenic behaviours, so cutting it off completely for at least a while after Diwali can help you a lot in controlling weight gain and may even help you maintain your blood glucose levels better.

2. Hydrate more

Nothing cleanses the body as well as water. Many studies reveal that drinking at least two litres of water every day can not only help you burn the accumulated fat but also flush out the toxins. Now if you feel like buying into a juice cleanse instead of drinking plain and simple water, think again, because most juices end up having high concentrations of sugar and won’t help you lose weight like drinking plenty of water will. Drinking a lot of water is also likely to make your skin clear up and glow, which is always a great bonus.

3. Do a veggie cleanse

Vegetables are often disregarded during the festive season but when it comes to the post-festive weight-loss season, nothing matches their power. Almost all vegetables are low in calories while being packed with water, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Eating more of them can keep you feeling full for longer, curb cravings and naturally detoxify the body. Moreover, eating vegetables can also give your immune system a boost and help keep diseases at bay.

4. Get exercising

No matter what you choose to eat or not eat, weight loss is impossible without some good old exercise. Not only does working out help burn fat, build muscles and lose weight properly, but it also releases the hormone endorphin which elevates the mood, keeps you happy and gets rid of those post-Diwali blues. Working out for at least 30 minutes every day can help you get yourself back in shape while keeping you motivated.

5. Improve sleep

You might not have realised it during the festive season itself but sleep is often compromised for the sake of late-night parties and preparations for the next day. But it’s very important to remember that sleep is vital for weight loss and you need to get sufficient amounts of it to lose weight properly. Getting enough sleep can help you feel motivated enough to exercise the next day. Studies even show that those who sleep less tend to have unhealthy eating habits which lead to weight gain. So, make sure to get enough rest after Diwali.

For more information, read our article on How to lose weight fast and safely.

Health articles on News18 are written by myUpchar.com, India’s first and biggest resource for verified medical information. At myUpchar, researchers and journalists work with doctors to bring you information on all things health.

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