Independence Day 2021: 5 Books on India’s Freedom Struggle You Must Read
Independence Day 2021: 5 Books on India’s Freedom Struggle You Must Read
Independence Day 2021: Many brave Indians sacrificed their life and struggled against the cruel British Raj to free their land from foreign occupation.

Today, we enjoy the perks of living and breathing in an independent India, but this freedom did not come easy. Many brave Indians sacrificed their life and struggled against the cruel British Raj to free their land from foreign occupation. The century-long struggle has contributions from many brave sons and daughters of the country. As we celebrated the 75th Independence Day this year, here are some books that you can dive in to learn stories of pain, sacrifice and struggle for India’s independence.

Discovery of India by Jawaharlal Nehru

Jawaharlal Nehru’s Discovery of India traces down the rich cultural heritage of the country from ancient history to the last years of the British Raj. The book tracks down the changes in socio-political scenarios invaders brought ever since the Indus- valley civilization. Nehru wrote this book during his imprisonment at Ahmednagar fort in Maharashtra from 1942-46.

Anandamath by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay

This 1882 novel is inspired and set in the premise of the Sannyasi rebellion of the late 18th century. The novel is considered one of the most important writing in Bengali and Indian literature. Vande Mataram, which later went to become a synonym for Indian integrity, was published in this book.

Jallianwala Bagh, 1919

The scars of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre 1919 are still remembered by every patriotic Indian. The order of General Dyer became a death warrant for peaceful protestors who had gathered against the British Raj. The story of this deadly days has been documented in writer Kishwar Desai’s 2018 book Jallianwala Bagh, 1919

Freedom at Midnight by Dominique Lapierre and Larry Collins

This book documents the last years of India’s freedom movement from 1947 to 1948. Starting from the appointment of  Lord Mountbatten as the last viceroy of British India to the death and funeral of Mahatma Gandhi, the book brings stories of many interesting stories.

Remnants of a Separation by Anchal Malhotra

This book by writer Anchal Malhotra tells the story of refugees of partition through the objects that they carried with them across the border. The belongings narrate the fascinating stories of their owners and their past and paint the picture of their struggle, sacrifice and fain during some darkest days in modern Indian history.

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