‘Wait For What Happens Next’: PM Modi Says UN Ban on Masood Azhar Just the Beginning
‘Wait For What Happens Next’: PM Modi Says UN Ban on Masood Azhar Just the Beginning
Marking another sign of victory, PM Modi at a public meeting in Jaipur said a small section in Pakistan which wants a bright future for their country has started openly speaking out against terrorism.

Jaipur: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said the decision of United Nations to declare Masood Azhar a global terrorist is a big victory for India's efforts to root out terrorism and proved that the country's voice can no longer be ignored on the global stage.

"It is a matter of satisfaction that a consensus has developed in the world on designating Masood Azhar a global terrorist. Der aaye, durust aaye (Better late than never)," Modi said at an election rally in Jaipur.

"It is a big success for India's efforts to root out terrorism," he said. "I want to say it loud and clear that this is just the beginning. Wait for what happens next," Modi added.

The PM said India's voice is being heard globally and its views can no longer be ignored. "This has been proved today."

He said under the previous "remote-controlled" government, even the voice of the prime minister was not heard, but now the voice of 130 crore Indians is making an impact at the United Nations.

The prime minister said he was thankful to the world community for standing with India in its fight against terrorism. "The international community has stood by India in its efforts to fight terror, and this is why I would like to extend my gratitude to them on the behalf of 130 crore Indians."

In a huge diplomatic win for India, the UN on Wednesday designated the Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammad chief as a "global terrorist" after China lifted its hold on a proposal to blacklist him.

The PM also referred to the surgical strike by India across the LoC and the IAF strike in Balakot inside Pakistan, and said with Azhar's designation, the nation is witnessing India's diplomatic victory.

He said a small section in Pakistan which wants a bright future for their country has started openly speaking out against terrorism.

"This section is raising voice against freely roaming terrorists, their training and against the devastation of their youth. This has become stronger after air strike and after UN decision, Pakistani citizens will put more pressure on their government, this is what I am feeling," he said.

Targeting Congress chief Rahul Gandhi, Modi said, "When we were working towards this, the 'naamdar' (dynast) was expressing his happiness through his tweets. One section was very happy and they were mocking Modi. I want to tell them today that this is not just Modi's success, it is the success of the whole country and its 130 crore people.

"I hope they will celebrate today also. For every Indian, no matter their ideology, it is a day of pride," Modi added.

Continuing with his scathing remarks for the Congress, the prime minister said the opposition party makes poster once and keep on using that in every election.

They have got a poster of 'garibi hatao' printed 50-60 years ago and they use that even today. Congress brings that poster in elections, changes picture of the 'naamdar'. Sometimes you hear the voice of a male and sometimes that of a female They keep on saying 'garibi hatoa' (remove poverty), he said, targeting Congress's election campaign focussed on the slogan.

Modi said Congress deceived farmers, soldiers.

Before 2014, he said, elections were about corruption, the involvement of political leaders and their son or daughter, but after 2014 the topic of discussion shifted to development.

He also said that Congress is disconnected from the ground and their leaders are unable to understand what the nation wants.

"There were destruction all over, there were pits in 2014 and I put in 55 months to fill those pits which were created by the Congress in 55 years."

The prime minister also questioned the Congress party who had stopped its government from conducting the second nuclear tests, which eventually happened in 1998 in Rajasthan's Pokaran during former Atal Bihari Vajpayee's government.

Highlighting India's capability to shoot down satellites in space, he said that the previous Congress government was afraid of taking bold decisions.

Saying that the Congress compromised with the country's security, Modi said his policy against terrorism was clear.

Mentioning the surgical strike, Modi said that Army used to seek permission from the government earlier too but the (Congress) government could not show courage.

"Our policy towards the nation's security is clear and the country trusts the Chowkidar. Wherever there is a danger to the country from, we will kill them there. If they fire a bullet, bomb will go from this side, he said.

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