Stop Killing Civilians, Centre Tells Pakistan After 21 Deaths in Over 2,000 Ceasefire Violations This Year
Stop Killing Civilians, Centre Tells Pakistan After 21 Deaths in Over 2,000 Ceasefire Violations This Year
MEA spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said India has repeatedly called upon Pakistan to ask its forces to adhere to 2003 ceasefire understanding and maintain peace and tranquility along the LOC and IB.

New Delhi: Over 2,000 unprovoked ceasefire violations by Pakistan have led to the deaths of 21 civilians this year, the Ministry of External Affairs said on Sunday, even as it asked the neighbour to rein in its forces.

“We have highlighted our concerns at unprovoked ceasefire violations by Pakistan forces, including in support of cross border terrorist infiltration, and targeting of Indian civilians and border posts by them,” MEA spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said.

He added, “This year they have resorted to more than 2,050 unprovoked ceasefire violations in which 21 Indians have died. We have repeatedly called upon Pakistan to ask its forces to adhere to 2003 ceasefire understanding and maintain peace and tranquility along the LOC and IB. Indian forces exercise maximum restraint and respond to unprovoked violations and attempts at cross border terrorist infiltration.”

The figures come as India and Pakistan are embroiled in a tussle over the decision of the Narendra Modi government to scrap the special status of Jammu and Kashmir and bifurcate the state into two Union Territories — J&K and Ladakh.

Angered by the move, Pakistan expelled Indian High Commissioner Ajay Bisaria and suspended trade ties. It also sought the support of the international community by raising the issue of alleged human rights violations in the Valley at the United Nations.

However, the claims fell flat as the world leaders asked India and Pakistan to resolve the issue bilaterally. India has maintained that Article 370 and Kashmir are an internal issue and Pakistan has no locus standi.

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