Low Cost Drones, Covid, Video Games: What India Said at UN on Jammu Air Base Attack
Low Cost Drones, Covid, Video Games: What India Said at UN on Jammu Air Base Attack
India said at UNGA that Covid-19 and resultant isolation has made people take to internet even more, making them vulnerable to terror propaganda.

Forty eight hours after India faced it’s first drone terror attack in Jammu, the Centre raised the threat at a United Nations General Assembly conference.

Speaking at the second High Level conference of the heads of counter terrorism agencies of member states, VSK Kaumudi, special secretary at MHA’s internal security, raised the issue of drones and the threat of Pakistan-based terror groups targeting India.

“Being a low-cost option and easily available, utilisation of these aerial/sub-surface platforms for sinister purposes by terrorist groups such as intelligence collection, weapon/explosives delivery and targeted attacks have become an imminent danger and challenge for security agencies worldwide,” Kaumudi said while intervening in the session on ‘Global scourge of terrorism: Assessment of current threats and emerging trends for the new decade’.

He further said that Covid-19 and resultant isolation has made people take to internet even more, making them vulnerable to terror propaganda. “Spreading terror propaganda through indulging in video games is another strategy deployed by terror groups during the pandemic,” Kaumudi added.

The special secretary said that the possibility of the use of weaponised drones for terrorist purposes against strategic and commercial assets calls for serious attention by the member states. “We have witnessed terrorists using UAS to smuggle weapons across borders,” Kaumudi said drawing attention to Pakistani drones that have allegedly dropped weapons and narcotics in Taran Taran in Punjab, Arneia, Rajouri and other parts of Jammu and Kashmir.

India intervened after “vitriolic diatribe” from Pakistan. “Each member country gets a right to intervene and India exercised that right to put out the right picture,” an officer told News18.

Kaumudi, representing India, slammed Pakistan and urged upon the international community to take “effective and irreversible” action against terror outfits operating from Pakistan against India. He said, “As expected, the delegation of Pakistan has again resorted to peddling false narratives and making baseless allegations against India.”

Indian investigators are convinced about a Pakistani hand in the Jammu drone attack but are waiting for ‘concrete evidence’. The forensic report establishing the explosives used is expected on Tuesday. The ministry of home affairs has ordered NIA investigation in the case. Local police have scouted mobile and internet usage on the night of June 27 to expose the conspirators.

VKS Kaumudi also highlighted the use of internet and technology being used by terrorists to radicalise and recruit youngsters. “Today, misuse of information and communication technology such as internet and social media for terrorist propaganda, radicalisation and recruitment of cadre; misuse of new payment methods and crowdfunding platforms for financing of terrorism; and misuse of emerging technologies for terrorist purposes have emerged as the most serious threats of terrorism and will decide the counter-terrorism paradigm going forward,” he said.

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